I don’t say wonderful because it is freaking cold outside, I do not like the cold at all and completely and fully look forward to the warmers days of spring, but I say most wonderful time of year because it is planning time for the garden. It dawned on me the other day that we could start planning our garden and what we will grow from seed and where to put it in our garden, I am so excited, why? Well because I love warm weather and the thought of planning my garden tells me warm weather is around the corner, albeit a long drawn out corner, I can look forward to what the sunny warmth will bring. My sister gave us some beautiful non-gmo organic seeds, I will share more on those another day, plus we scored some beautiful seeds from a seed swap, so our garden will be something different this year, I am so excited at all the prospects.
Have you ever heard of EcoJarz? Sometimes I think I live under a rock even in the world of living green, I thought I had heard of everything, I have a glass bottle for the gym, I cook and bake in glass, I can with glass jars and I pretty much snap up any glass anything I can use in my house, I even craft on glass, so where have I been that I had not heard of EcoJarz?
Anyway I received this really cool product in the mail a while back before the holidays and then life hit and I got sidetracked as usual and now here we are in February. Anyway this product got more testing than some of the others because it is way up my alley. I think I might have mentioned that I LOVE coffee a little here and there or not I may have forgotten because it is just a natural extension of me. =D So anyway I do love coffee, and nothing beats coffee made at home fresh, but so many times I am on the run and I have used travel mugs, both plastic and metal, now close your dropped jaws the plastic was BPA free, but the flavor always lacks something after sitting in a plastic mug, metal does retain the flavor which is nice, but glass well glass rocks, I use a glass bottle for my water but it never occurred to me that I could drink coffee out of a glass to go mug until I was introduced to EcoJarz. I received this product and because I am a canning person I had the perfect jars to test these on. Now I mentioned I liked coffee right? So my first test was on a quart jar, now for coffee I have to admit this was just too big even for me, this will be the perfect size for those spring and summer days when you want to bring along some lemonade or a nice cold water with you but coffee not so much. The perfect size jar for coffee was the pint, it was a match made in heaven for me.
So I used this insert lid which has a great seal for a leak proof travel drink, oh I should admit that one of the days I misplaced the seal ring because I took it off to wash after I left the coffee sitting in the jar for a few days, oops, anyway it was on they drying towel but I couldn’t see it under the other dishes so I used the insert without the gasket and again it was a leak proof experience, these insert lids rock!
So here is what came to my house.
Here is the straw with that great brush I mentioned, trust me you will appreciate that little cleaning brush everyday of the week, just know you got that straw good and clean and nothing gross is lurking in there. =D