I am finally learning to use my Blogger app on my phone. I had to give in to this or else you might never hear from me again. So while on an outing to visit some family I am in the car and found myself in a writing mood, now mind you this happens to me often but I am usually the driver to whereever we are headed and then the thought passes and I think to myself that I will write when I get home and can type with more than just my thumbs =D. Not this time. So here I am clicking away with my thumbs. So please excuse any errors or odd words the auto correct may contribute.
So how is the garden you ask. Well good and bad. First lots of stuff growing. We have tomatoes, LOTS of tomatoes. The downside is that because we didn’t rotate so we are having some blossom end rot. Upside still plenty of good ones and oh my heavens if you have not had a fresh tomato from someones garden you must, they are amazing. We also had a fresh tomato and onion salad, that was also amazing. Coming soon to come will be fresh tomato sauce.
More to share soon meanwhile here are some photos of whats in the garden.