Mr. B brought in a bushel of mixed peppers from the garden over the weekend, there was no way they could get used before they all go bad, I have fermented some of our banana peppers, but let me be honest I am still not sure how all that works and how long they are good for and what I should use them in. Basically lots to learn there. Canning can take a good amount of time and since I have about 30 pounds of apples to can and 50 pounds of tomatoes, the peppers would surely have gone bad by the time their turn came up. Then the regular conversation of how food goes to waste would have come up and all would not be cool on this suburban wanna be homestead. So I was thrilled to find they could be frozen and in a very quick manner, see apparently if you want to use them only for cooking you can give ’em a quick boil and cold water bath, cool and then into the bag they go, but honestly even that was too much work for me. The second option was to wash, cut and freeze. Yep that was perfect for me, the quicker the better.
Simple way to preserve my peppers
Peace ♥
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