Good morning! It feels like it has been ages since I’ve written anything. It has, sort of. I did write a few things they were not anything I wanted to share. I’ve been feeling very low with all the turmoil in the world and this was truly hard to combat. I can’t even imagine what others have gone through or are going through. I only recently came to an understanding with myself that it was time to reroute and grow a bit. It would be fun to hear how others are moving forward and dreaming.
I learned it is important to acknowlege all the feelings and the emotional uck that comes through, but it is also okay to move forward from there. Which is what I plan to do.
First we took a mini break, this helped in clearing my head. I mean what stroll along the water doesn’t clear the brain.

It was time to feel somewhat normal again. What’s the best way, well if you’re me the logical step is stopping into a winery and sitting outside sipping in the fresh air with the love of my life. We did that this weekend, just the two of us. We stopped into one of our favorites, Roger’s Ford Farm Winery. Such a relaxing space plus some freaking wonderful drinks to sip on in the hot weather.

On our way home we stopped off at Wilderness Run Winery for a bite to eat and a little more wine. So unbelievably relaxing!
It was a day to relax and talk about our next adventure in life and how we want to go about it. Such a refreshing and much needed day. I will keep dreaming and can’t wait to share more about where we are headed. So stay tuned.
Next up Winery Wednesday. With things getting back to some sense of normalcy it’s time to get the Winery Wednesday going again. Here’s to moving forward and dreaming!
Keep finding your joy! Much peace, love and happiness, Dawn.