Life, loss, and moving forward

I wasn’t sure I even wanted to write about this. Truly conveying how things affect us isn’t always easy. We are each so intricate and different we can’t possibly begin to understand how life affects one another. I noted that more often now I try to give myself insight as to what someone might be going through. It might explain the reason they are sad or happy or even indifferent. We can’t ever know, but it does help to be more sympathetic and understanding as human beings. I’ve found that in this process, I was to a point where I didn’t mind sharing a small insight into what transpired over the last few months.

This post has been planned for a good long while. I planned to share our adventure to West Virginia and then a great little post on my fabulous Mountain Rose Essential oil kit. I’m learning this year, you truly have to go with the flow and jump in, take the moments you have and not everything goes to plan.

Life got ahold of us in a most unexpected way. My brother, who had been in the hospital with pancreatitis sadly did not survive this battle and we lost him on Mother’s Day. Such a profound loss that I can’t fully convey in any shape or form all the facets of this, but here is just a tiny insight on that.

First dealing with my own sadness, there was the shock, anger, and just clear and simple sadness. My heart ached for me that I won’t have that person to bounce stuff off of or be silly with at Christmas or making funny observations at the family reunions. Then there was the sadness for my siblings who lost him too and how their hearts must hurt. Then a couple of the most profound moments of sadness and sorrow were for his children who lost their father and for my beautiful step-mom who lost her youngest child.

Our family has gathered for two events since that day. The first was his funeral. Here you gained this deep insight into his life and the hole he has left. The second was just this past weekend. We gathered to celebrate his life in the home he grew up in and where our family shared our intertwined lives. There were stories, laughter, and tears with family and friends who watched us grow up.

Over the time since losing him, our family has learned that life is short and you have to take the moments as they come. The siblings who were usually focused on their own bits and pieces of life came together and vowed that we will invest more in each other. We will communicate lots, not take our bond for granted and keep care of our parents together. We will lift up the mother who has always been there for all of us. Help her heart to cope with this profound and unexpected loss as best as we can. We will make extra sure to hug the father who year after year coaxed us to get together and to forgive one another as needed because life is too short to live with anger.

Where do go from here?

Well, we are taking this opportunity to find wellness as best as we can. We are working on the food we put in our bodies, our emotional wellbeing, and being present with one another. We have always kind of searched for good health and tried to implement it but never really stuck to it. We have decided that this is the time to stop procrastinating and start sticking to setting better habits. Trust me there were other times that should have put us to this point, but for some reason or another, they didn’t. The catalyst was a conversation between my husband and my step-mom. From there it was enacting the information we were recently learning. Instead of this focus on one area, say losing weight, for example, it is a focus on our whole being. How do we feel both physically and mentally? I won’t lie the benefit of the steps we are taking has included weight loss. However, the goal is sustainability, life changes, and balance.

The basic steps so far have been to change how we eat, change how we move, and to care for our minds and hearts.

While we started with the food changes, there is a bit behind that so we’ll save that for another time.

Work is stressful, I’m sure like it is for everyone. I have the benefit of working from home which means I can easily keep care of the food I’m eating, I’m surrounded by the people I love and of course dogs =). I also get to use my new diffuser anytime I want.

I have kind of a crazy collection of essential oils and I used to be super diligent about making my cleaning supplies and on occasion diffusing them. Truly though, I had gotten away from it all. I was recently gifted this Home Harmony Essential Oil Kit by Mountain Rose Herbs. This is the place where pretty much I could find my favorite tea or herb. However, essential oils weren’t something I even realized they had begun carrying, again, I wasn’t really in the market. Let me tell you I was honestly over the top excited when I received the kit, but then life took such an unexpected turn. It is only now that I’m making a new space for my office, making some needed changes and that I realize how much I need this in my life right now.

I’ve been diffusing a combination of Lavandin Grosso and Sweet Orange in my office while I work. I just love the scent. It isn’t magical like oh he diffuse this and you will feel happy. It is just that I noticed I don’t feel so irritable or frustrated as I work through helping customers on each call or a chat.

I’m looking forward to a new combination like Geranium and Ylan Ylang. The information with the kit mentions that geranium oil helps alleviate emotional imbalance. So that is my next one for sure. I want my office to just feel like this place of peace, happiness, and joy even when I have to talk to someone who might be upset or rude.

Now that I know Mountain Rose Herbs has this fantastic selection of affordable essential oils they are my new go-to for those in addition to my herbs and teas. I also noted while I was on their site shopping that they have a whole section for Herbal Education which includes a list of teachers and schools. Their site alone is such a wealth of information for the inquiring mind who is just learning about using essential oils or is a complete pro at using them. Have fun perusing and enjoy the information.

The steps to good health are easy it is just the commitment that is not. While an essential oil or two can bring about something lovely, they alone won’t create your good health. Our biggest recent takeaway is that not everything works for everyone and not one thing works in the process of regaining and keeping good health. We have found it is a combination of things and for both of us, they are slightly different in what works. Never say never by the way because there are things I’ve incorporated food, exercise, and medicine-wise that I said I never would do. Be open to change, be willing to change, and be flexible enough to change.

It is never too late to take control of your health and your life. Make sure to call the people you love and let them know you love them and that you care about them.

Live well!

Find peace, love, joy & happiness


Sale at Mountain Rose Herbs 20% off essential oils
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