Yes, 2021 WILL continue to be amazing. Moving forward with a positive heart and joyful happiness.
I did commit to some new goals and received some beautiful Christmas presents that have and will continue to help me with the goals. I discovered art journaling and well, I love it, not so much art involved it is mostly writing and noting goals and feelings and thoughts. Love it!!!!! I dropped into my go-to learning hub to take a class on editing videos, but instead a class called Art Journaling for Self-Care caught my attention so I took that one instead. The best decision I ever made was signing up for Skillshare. I can select pretty much a class about anything. This unintended class has really helped me to focus on setting goals in a fun way and writing some thoughts down, good, bad, sad, or indifferent. It helps to sus out things that make me sad or happy and really resolve or embrace those thoughts.

The focus of one of my entries was my birthday. I received some beautiful and thoughtful gifts. I can’t even tell you how awesome my beautiful family is. Just oozing love and support and I can’t ask for more.
I’ve picked back up reading again. I hadn’t made time for it since last April/May when there wasn’t much else to do but sit in the sun and read. Anyway, I received 4 new books for my birthday, one of them my son had enjoyed and thought I might too. He was so right, the ending totally caught me by surprise. The Silent Patient is the one I finished. I’m setting a goal of 1 book per month for now. I know myself and I read then don’t for like 5 days…..or more. I’m now reading The Immortalists and loving this one too. So I am on par for my one book per month.
We’ve been to a couple of wineries which is so nice and relaxing. Usually, we take December, January, and February off, but we joined another winery in October and we just had to take my parents there before Christmas and we just went again with family. There is just something so endearing about Rappahannock Cellars. I can’t explain it, but we love the wine and the people. I shared a bit about them in this post. We are always treated well and always find a spot to sit and chat. Something also kind of cool about them is that they have a distillery too. Dida’s Distillery offers tastings and cocktails. One of the times we stop in to pick up our wine club, I think we’ll try a drink for fun.
So that is where I am at for now. Currently working on adventure ideas. Still trying to decide between a van and a small RV. Plus working at being 100% gluten free. I created a new recipe but it isn’t quite to par yet. I’ll share that soon.
I can’t wait to see what amazing things 2021 brings. Trying to ooze positive energy and joy.
Peace, love and happiness.