Okay tonight I put together Enchiladas a request from my dear husband. As I said I am really aiming to cook completely from scratch and since I did not have…
Category: Uncategorized
Eating Healthy – Dinner #3
Okay so last night I was going to skip the whole dinner thing and cook something quick and then I remembered that I would be posting what we ate, soooo…
Healthy Cooking Dinner #2
Yes eventually this will roll into all meals in the house but for now I am focusing on dinners. I figure baby steps will get me to our goal. Usually…
Cooking whole foods
It is time for me to make this commitment to cooking from whole natural foods without all the chemicals and gross stuff. What a difference it makes in the taste…
I love baking
I am truly a baker, I grew up in a bakery when I was young, but there it was work and not the most joyful of situations. Now as an…
Have I mentioned….
inside my head I am a gourmet chef, an incredible seamstress, the perfect mom, a great wife, I keep a great house, exercise every day and eat only healthy food,…
Green Acres
Eight years ago we decided we wanted to move to a place that was less crowded than where we were living. Our perameters for our new location were that we…
From my book blog
Had to share here another great book.I have been coming across some beautiful blogs and writing on the internet. One I have followed for quite some time. I shared her…
Life is good, it’s all in how you look at it
I was talking to my sister-in-laws the other day about how people can often make it seem like they are living the perfect life and you get the annual Christmas…
I have been reading NieNie Dialogues for quite some time. I learned about NieNie just after her accident, as people gathered together to raise funds for her and her family via auctions…