I definitely made the most of my snow day. I baked bread and cookies and I prepared beef in a yummy marinade that I will put in the dehydrator and…
Category: Cooking
What’s going on at the Green Jeans Homestead
Busy lots of busy. Amazingly I have actually cooked some. I have learned the beauty of patience.....or if I am being honest a tad of laziness on my part leads…
Sunday dinner
I remember when I was very young being somewhere with my dads whole family having Sunday dinner. This pretty much happened every other Sunday, due to my parents being separated.…
Thank you to Abe's Market for this great post.5 HEALTHY THANKSGIVING INGREDIENT SWAPSImage Source: http://media.abesmarket.com/media/scoop/article/healthythanksgiving_header.jpgThanksgiving should be a time of gratitude, family, friends and good times, not food comas and bloated…
Turkey Pot Pie……..again
.....but even better. I was on the hunt for a fabulous pie crust because I really want to make a homemade Pecan Pie for Thanksgiving. I have learned though that…
More good food for dinner
When I need a quick meal I find that Baked Ziti fits the bill for me. I always keep some Papa Weaver's sausage in my freezer (I pick this up…
Some order and good freebie stuff
In my efforts to write on a daily basis, I think I need a bit of order and sort of a plan, I say sort of because too much order…
Yummy homemade food
Here's what has been cooking in my kitchen.Sunday dinner - Chicken and veggiesCalzoneMarinated fried wings.Dried pineapple - tastes so amazing