Busy lots of busy. Amazingly I have actually cooked some. I have learned the beauty of patience.....or if I am being honest a tad of laziness on my part leads…
Category: Canning
A fun product and a great gift idea
So I thought I would try to share with you over the next week or some unique gift ideas that add fun, health and all sorts of good stuff to…
Simple way to preserve my peppers
Mr. B brought in a bushel of mixed peppers from the garden over the weekend, there was no way they could get used before they all go bad, I have…
What’s new in on the canning shelf
Um I think I might be addicted to canning....or I am trying to make up for the last 5 years of procrastination. Not sure which it is, all I can…
So much to do so little time, so sometimes you just dive in
I have so many things I want to do and slowly but surely I plan to get it all done. As usual though I am running behind and constantly leaving…