Sometimes I spend so much time seeing the bad around me and in my life. I guess it can be easier to complain and feel like things aren’t going how you think they should. Today I was driving my youngest two to the dentist back further north where we used to live, about an hour away, as we came closer we passed a road and I looked down and this small memory came to my thought about how during the holiday time I stopped into a coffee shop and picked up these brownies I knew my family would love. I said it out loud to the kids in the car and all these many small memories came in to my thoughts and I realized I have had and I am having a beautiful life. So much good, so much love have both come from me and to me. Wow I am thankful. I treasure my children beyond belief and my husband who has been an amazing partner and so willingly joined me down this crazy path we took.
A beautiful life
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